Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mom and the Flower

I'm bursting with good-news; I'm dancing the song of my Savior God.

God took one good look at me, and look what happened— I'm the most fortunate woman on earth!

What God has done for me will never be forgotten,

God whose very name is holy, set apart from all others.

His mercy flows in wave after wave on those who are in awe before him.

Song of Mary from Luke 1, Message Bible

Mom and the Flower

In 2007, the activities director engaged the residents to participate in an art project. Some participated with ease, others with caution, still others with much assistance. Inez, began with bright colors and ended with this beautiful picture of a hyacinth. Bright yellow and green, surrounded by a sea of red, the painting began to take shape and soon, everyone stood in amazement.

You see, Inez was in the final stages of Alzheimer’s. Unable to tend to her basic personal needs, recognize family and friends, mumbling more than talking, confused and absent most of the time, this wonderful lady was able to express herself in beauty that even her family was unaware of.

May this wonderful miracle bless you as it has our family. Even in the midst of hopeless circumstances, God gives a flower of hope through His creation.

Connie Swain is the energy behind Connie Swain Ministries designed to move people into a Kingdom Mindset. Teaching, training, leadership development, prayer, equipping, marketplace ministry and many other things offered through this ministry. Find her on Facebook or contact her 214-289-9857 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 214-289-9857 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or PO Box 2017, Decatur, TX 76234.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Holiday Series! In Honor of Presidents Day

Holiday Series!
In Honor of Presidents Day

by Sandra Gilmore

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14

Which president first signed a resolution calling for an annual day of prayer?

Harry S. Truman signed the resolution on July 4, 1952, commenting, "In times of national crisis when we are striving to strengthen the foundations of peace and security we stand in special need of divine support."

His immediate successor, Dwight D. Eisenhower offered these words in prayer.

Before all else, we seek, upon our common labor as a nation, the blessings of Almighty God. And the hopes in our hearts fashion the deepest prayers of our whole people.

May we pursue the right -- without self-righteousness.

May we know unity - - without conformity.

May we grow in strength - - without pride in self.

May we, in our dealings with all peoples of the earth, ever speak truth and serve justice. And so shall America - - in the sight of all men of good will - - prove true to the honorable purposes that bind and rule us as a people in all this time of trial through which we pass.

copyright 2010

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

In Honor of Presidents Day

Holiday Series!
In Honor of Presidents Day
by Sandra Gilmore

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14

Did you recognize who offered the plea for prayer in yesterday's devotion?

It was William Jefferson Clinton. He spoke those words at the National Prayer Breakfast, February 6, 1997.

Clinton was participating in a day designated by a resolution calling for an annual day of prayer. Which president first signed this resolution calling for an annual day of prayer?

Check back tomorrow for the answer.

In the meantime, we can meditate on his words from 1945.

"We can all pray. We all should pray. We should ask the fulfillment of God's will. We should ask for courage, wisdom, for the quietness of soul which comes alone to them who place their lives in His hands."

copyright 2010

Monday, February 21, 2011

In Honor of Presidents Day

Holiday Series
In Honor of Presidents Day
by Sandra Gilmore

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14

Ever made history? Ever changed history? This week you can - -with your prayers. In honor of Presidents' Day, please pray for the direction of our country, and as you do, you will participate in one of the most critical times in our nation's history. This week's devotion series is a reflection of the times we are in. We've compiled a collection of prayers from former presidents throughout our nation's history. Some will surprise you. Some will touch you. Hopefully, all will motivate you to pray for this great nation!

And for our international friends, please take this opportunity to pray for your own political leaders. The world needs God's love and wisdom!

See if you recognize the following plea for prayer. Check back tomorrow to see who actually offered this plea for prayer for our nation's leaders.

Pray for the people in public office. . .I ask you to pray for us. . .Pray for the people in public office that we can rid ourselves of this toxic atmosphere of cynicism, and embrace with joy and gratitude this phenomenal opportunity and responsibility before us. Do not forget people in the rest of the world who depend upon the United States for more than exhortation, and most of all, remember that in every scripture of every faith, there are hundreds and hundreds of admonitions - - to not forget those among us who are poor. They are no longer entitled to a handout, but they surely deserve and we are ordered to give them a hand up.

copyright 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Declutter Tips to Start Your Simple Life

"Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein

I have shared a few pictures of my decluttered closets. I hope to share more as I work my way through our home decluttering and bringing order to my chaos. I work from home a lot and that can add to the chaos. I have learned that a decluttered home helps me maintain this simple life that I find great joy in. Some of my friends have asked, "How do I start?" I started by reading about order in my home, talking to one of my BFFs (Sandra) who is very organized, and searching sites about order in the home. Here are some of the best tips I have ever found and the site I found those at:

1. Clear Off a Counter: Ok, I hate cluttered kitchen counters! It is a pet peeve of mine, so start there. Clear them off, clean them, and see how much better you feel. It will inspire you to go further in the declutter process.

2. Load up the Car for Charity: Declutter your counters and your closets. Take the stuff to a charity right away so you won't be tempted to keep it! Run. . .go now!

3. Learn to Crave Clean: Once you have an area uncluttered. . keep it that way. Enjoy the way it looks so simple and clean. Learn to love that look!

Read more:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

It's the journey that matters the most. . .

"It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end." - Ursula K. LeGuin

I can't believe that it has been a little over a month since I sat down to blog. I did this by choice. Life gets busy and requires too much of us at times. I have found that I am the one who puts these demands on myself most of the time. I have been on this journey to a simpler life and instead of writing about it all of the time I just wanted to enjoy it for a while. It turns out that for my own health . . .just enjoying the journey is exactly what I need to be doing.

The women in my family live with quite a "curse". It is called diabetes. Several months ago I was diagnosed as being insulin resistant. That is just fancy talk for pre-diabetic. I was instructed then to take better care of myself. I did so at first and then my diligence began to slip a bit. Last week I had to return to the doctor because the symptoms were worse. I am now on medication to help keep my glucose levels steady and have been put on a stricter diet. I will also begin exercising on a more regular basis. These things are all needed so that I can enjoy my "simple" life.

We take the simple things in life for granted. When is the last time you took the time to savor an ice cream cone? Enjoy it. . .and consider yourself blessed that you can eat it without becoming sick. When is the last time you enjoyed the wonder of God's beautiful sunset? Take the time and consider yourself blessed that you are still here. . .with your family. . .and able to view it!

Look for me to share some inventive "diabetic" recipes to add to your own simple life:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Wisdom of Noodles. . .

"We have but five loaves, and two fishes." (Matthew 14:17)

Our little high school sent another wonderful class out into the "real world" at the end of May. It is always such an exciting time for high school seniors. They experience their first real tastes of freedom at the same time that they swallow a big gulp of responsibility!

I stopped by the school on Monday and had the opportunity to chat with the wonderful mother of one of our best and brightest. Her daughter is headed to Troy University on scholarship (Yayyyy. . .Amy). Her daughter is excited and will be living alone for the first time ever. Mom is of course excited as well as a bit worried. We began to talk amount how college students can learn to survive on a very tight food budget. She told me that her daughter had it all figured out. She told me that her "little girl" planned to load up the car with mama's canned beans and tomatoes when she came for a visit. The conversation progressed as we shared our tips on eating cheap when she shared a nugget of wisdom from of all people her little girl. She said, "Do you know what she said? She said, ya know mom, I like noodles. I can eat a lot of noodles!" I smiled and agreed.

I have thought about the wisdom of this young woman in that little statement. Do you hear it? She is not fussing about what she doesn't have or can't afford. This young woman is wise enough to realize that sometimes loaves and fishes (noodles) are plenty! We forget to be thankful for the simple things that bring us joy and sustain us. Who doesn't love hot noodles sprinkled with Parmesan cheese?

So tonight in honor of this wise young woman (shhhhh. . it is Amy Bishop), I took simple noodles and made a feast. We had noodles topped with cherry tomatoes, cucumber, purple onion drizzled with Light Italian and sprinkled with Parmesan. It was simply abundant with flavor!

I have another favorite with noodles: Take hot noodles and toss with high quality sun dried tomato pesto and sprinkle with Parmesan. Your family will think you have taken an Italian cooking class and all you have done is spend less than $10 and boil a little water. Now that is simple abundance! P.S. Best of luck Amy!

This is a good one: